k means clustering

Cable-cord cutter sentiment analysis using Reddit data

Understanding customer sentiments about their products or services is key to any business. In this project, we scraped data from Reddit and performed Named entity recognition,topic modelling and sentiment analysis on the comments to understand public views about moving from cable channels to streaming services

Salary prediction based on job description using XGboost

During my job search, i often wondered how companies such as Glassdoor,LinkedIn and others are able to identify the pay scale of a particular job. Applying the text processing and predictive analytics skills that we learnt from our course, we have achieved the objective of predicting high and low paying jobs with ~80% accuracy which is an increase of 30% from baseline accuracy(50%)

Understanding the market potential from customer tweets using k-means clustering

Understanding the customer base is important for any organization. In this mini project, a nutrition company wants to identify its customer segments based on their Twitter feed. I have identified the customer segments by performing cluster analysis on the data.Some of the segments are fitness enthusiasts, highly educated adults and Family people